Aegis replied

590 weeks ago


So going along with Kandar's idea of a grind session, I was thinking of posting a roster for a Castrum/WP grind grouping. Now that a lot more people are gearing up for Coil, I think it might be good to introduce an opportunity for grinding for Gil/Philosophy tomes or just to spirit bond.

The idea behind it is to get a group of 8 (or 4) from our FC and essentially grind Castrum (or WP) now and then for a set of 9 Philosophy Tome items for each member towards crafted gear progression. I know its a long grind, but sometimes if your in a pinch for Gil or want to get an item crafted, its the only way to step it up.

Here people can sign up for a roster. Once the roster hits 8 people, I'll set up a date or two dates where we can have a grind session for philosophy. If finding 8 people becomes difficult, we can run 4 man WP's instead. We grind 11 runs (either in one go or broken up on two days) and then the roster is wiped clean for a new team. Rinse and Repeat. People can sign up for as many back to back schedules as they want, and people signing up will be placed in priority if there is an overflow. If you sign up, please try to make it to all 11 runs; some members might be relying on the full 11 runs and run other things as part of their own schedule, and depend on these full 11 runs for achieving a set of 9 mats.

I know we aren't a hardcore grinding FC, but sometimes I feel the need to hunker down and grind something out, so I'm putting out the feelers to see if other people feel the same. If not, that's cool too!


1.1) Aegis



Aegis replied

590 weeks ago

OK so since there was an UNREAL amount of enthusiasm for this method of grinding then I'm proposing another; if we gather the mats here and there we can have Valk make us full Militia sets and spiritbond them in parties of 4 for materia to sell on the MB Teir 3 and a small chance to pop teir 4 materia out of ILVL55 gear). so if there's 3 more people willing then we can maybe set something up. NOW DON'T ALL JUMP AT ONCE!

Gino Certified Insane replied

590 weeks ago

I'm probably not gonna jump on the grinding party :P, but since I'm now a lv 50ARM I can gear up the tank and melee dps with militia gear too to max out that grind. I wouldn't mind trying that one time at least since I do want to make myself a shiny armor one day to test it out. Anyway, I'm free and open if you ever need help on the crafting :)
I'm not crazy!

Aegis replied

590 weeks ago

Alright thanks for the help Gino!
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