Gino Certified Insane replied

584 weeks ago

3 November 2013 (8:30 pm CST)

Group (from left to right):

Minisneak Rodriguez( Dragoon)
Kandar Rdm (Scholar)
Oukatu Skybreaker (Warrior)
A'aegis Valkyr (White mage)
Gino Larock (Paladin)
Valkim Seowon (Black mage)
Brennus Armstrong (Monk)
Ellestria Skybreaker (Bard)

Loot of that fight:
Gino = Allagant Boots
Valkim = Caster ring (don't know the full name)

Big thank to you all for this first step :D and congratulation on pulling threw.

I would like to take time now for people to post their tips on the fight from their job angle and what rotation they did. Here something that really helped me being more focus during the fight, especially during the split phase.

If you take a look under the HP bar of the boss, I've place a bar to keep an eyes on my damage medication cool-down, but it also indicate when it split. The last two square on that hotbar (convalence and Awarness ) are the timer on what happening. Normally if everything go right, the first slime is feed to the snake at Awarness, then after a good burn of the boss, the health should be near the middle or starting at Convalence square when the second slime get feed. Right when the bar reach the end of my hotbard after Convalence, that's where it split.

Ok, here a few tips I used during my Main Tank and Off tank as a Paladin.

MT: When I ran in the first time to start the fight I would pop up sentinel for the fight since in full form he hit really hard. By the time sentinel wear off you will have start your combo to reduce the damage and the healer will have pick up the rotation as well. From there, it's the usual burn him down with all the damage you can and everything you can. Pop short timer skill that you can re-use on the second phase like rampare, convalence and awarness. At the split, make sure to stay on the same snake while the OT grab and drag the other one and not pop the circle AoE. After that, it's just doing damage routine but keeping all your damage medication skill in between the stack 3 and 4. Don't use it before that unless a few to many crit get to you, then just pop rampare or one mix I do is Foresigth with the sheild block skill. keep sentinel when and awarness at the part where you see you hp going down fast on one hit and pretty much throw everything along the way as you can. At the point where either one of the snake died or the OT died and they rejoine, you wait to see the best timing on when to pop Hallow ground and tank it as much as you can.

OT: The only difference here is that at the start of the fight you have to go in the top far corner and grab the closest panel you see flashing to feed the snake a slime. The best approach to making the slime walk is moving about 3/4 of a panel distance. If you go further then one full panel , he will self destruct and kill everybody around him. Get a last 3/4 distance away from the boss and make sure that the slime is under 25% HP , then go to the boss to feed him. ASAP, run away and get to the top platform were you started in case it's the one that gonna flash. It can be tricky if the first slime took a long time to feed and also have to make sure your healer esuna the heavy off you to help you move around. Once you grab the second slime, it's rince and repeat, but that's where the hotbar indicator is important, because you need to know if you need to rush it or take your time. But most the time you will get there just as you would normally would. Then, I suggest starting your combo while the snake nearing it split phase but keep Rage of Halone until the split. Quickly switch to the second snake, hit it with RoH, start running toward the side of the top corner (would need a drawed picture of positionning). While running you will pop provoke and sheild lob until you are both in position. Once set, align the boss so the side of the boss is in the route where the possible Melee will come running to attack him during the switch. From there, it's routine and copy paste of MT split phase tanking.

Hope this can be useful and feel free to add or comment on this. Every tips help
I'm not crazy!

Jbear New Crazy replied

584 weeks ago

Congrats on Turn 1 =D

Aegis replied

584 weeks ago

I'll post photos when I get home, but I can put up some quick tips from a WHM point of view. It wasn't easy for me at first but I managed to get the hang of it.

1) If you ask anyone, I'm notorious for jumping the gun before the tanks get aggro, this is important at two stages; one, the very first pull is going to be scary (especially healing a warrior) but hold off on your first instinct to pop a heal so that he can get the initial aggro. Two, Ouk was really helpful in letting us know (as the MT) when the split was going to happen since he has eyes on it at all times, when its about to split, stop whatever your doing and let the OT take the aggro from the second one. It takes a few seconds but you literally have to do NOTHING during this split until you see that red line hit the OT. I let Gino carry it for about a full tile before I continued to heal the MT. I'm not sure of what happens on the MT point of view (popping cooldowns?) but you CAN afford to stop healing the MT for 2-3 seconds at this moment in time.

2) This fight destroys your mana. However good you think you are at mana management, throw that out the window. You are more than likely going to need a bard holding your hand about halfway through the split (thanks Elle!) What I can offer as advice though, is that you can go into the split with full mana without a bard with this tip; you can get away with mostly CURE I for almost the entire first phase before the split, but after that split your going to be spamming CURE II, don't even bother with CURE I after the split. I had a Hi-Elixer for the split phase of the fight, but that only gives back 460mp; every bit helps.

3) Pop your healing cooldowns as often as possible during the split phase, Divine Seal and Presence of Mind every chance you get, as well as Shroud. Something I would try to do is save Shroud for right at the split phase, but I would always end up using it before that happened in order to go into the split phase with full mana; something to think about and try for yourself.

4) You don't use regen as much as you think. At first, I would use it day in and day out in the fight, but this started to take its toll just because of the cooldown for all the other skills. I would say don't bother with it, unless you have the time to pop it on other party members since you can barely afford the cast times on healing someone other than the tank. The perfect openings to pop regens are when the snake stops cleaving the tank to stack itself with steel scales, or when it stops cleaving the tank to do a tail swipe. You can also use it when it turns to cast a spit. All of these moments are times when it stops cleaving the tank (what your spamming cure against) to give you some breathing room to help out other party members.

5) Last point I can think of atm, is for almost the entire fight you will be healing the tank, 95% of it. Your party (especially melee) will gradually get the hang of not getting hit, and the ranged barely take damage. The only time you need to worry about other party members it whoever is pulling the slimes is going to surely take damage. Use one of the openings I was talking about to pop a regen on them and turn back to the tank. Sometimes people may get hit by a spit as well, same strategy here if you don't notice their hp going back up. For our fight, I'm almost positive that Kandar's Fairy did most of the backup healing for people getting spit on.

That's all I can think of at the moment but I hope it kind of helps for our next teams going in. Thanks everyone for the amazing kill last night! Very much deserved!

Kandar RDM Certified Insane replied

584 weeks ago

OK, my turn. This bit is for everyone that goes into Coil, but the 1st important thing to know is this. GET FOOD. I can't tell you how much a good HQ food increases your HP (by raising Vit), but it raises your other stats by quite a bit, even if it doesn't look like much.

Also, watch a video or two, at least one of which has someone explaining the fights. I'm sure someone in your group will reexplain things for everyone, but watching at least 1 video where they explain mechanics of each Turn help.

Everyone participating in coil runs should have some way to access Mumble. Even without a mic, you need to be able to hear other people, cause there's little time mid-combat to type even. & if whoever is designated party/raid leader is talking, trying to explain fight, just be quiet & listen. There is plenty of time on the dungeon clock, & even then, the entire dungeon doesn't reset until the next Monday (same time weekly myth totals reset) so between bosses (except for turn 2, might want to look into these before diving in if you don't know what I'm talking about.) don't worry about the time. After the entry boss (ADS #1) up until the turn 1 boss is the time to talk about other things, but being completely focused during the bosses is key.

This is not Castrum. If this is your first time in the dungeon, please watch the cutscenes, they show backstory on this crazy dungeon. & for you CS skippers, please be patient with those that do want to watch.

Now, this part is for Scholars, so all you crazy mad scientists listen up.
Our food of choice is Buttons in a Blanket (or Black Truffle Risotto if your rolling in Gil/ have the means to get the mats yourself someone who is a geared 50 Cul).

Required off class abilities before doing this dungeon: Swiftcast (Thm 26, but honestly if you haven't gotten this by now, not sure how you got past Titan) & Stoneskin (34, this one isn't as needed, but it really helps Eos take AoEs, and you can slap it on Melee dps to hopefully soak any cleave/tail damage they take)

On gear, Crit rate = Win. Our stats + food stats affect Eos's stats, and whenever she crits, our spell speed skyrockets. So if your rocking Vanya (Spruce Patterns look really good for us) or deciding what AF2 gear to get, your priority should be Crit > Mnd > Determination > Vit > Spell Speed. That means you can save your gil on those expensive Quicktounge 3's and just get the moderately costed Savage Might 3's (Crit+ if that name is wrong.)

I know I haven't mentioned Selene yet, but she won't be needed here. Silence is useless on the snake, and hard to time on ADS (door boss of turn 1, mini bosses & main boss of turn 2) since regardless of mode, she will always use it without your consent, screwing with your party's Silence order usually. & the Spell/Skill speed buffs may cause the boss to get burned to fast in order to eat the slimes to remove its DET buff.

1. Virus & Eye for Eye are your friends in this fight, as in most boss fight. After the pull, hitting MT with Eye 4 Eye & the boss with Virus are just good openers. However, due to the long cool downs, the next time you want to use it is just before the split. Hit MT with Eye 4 Eye, but save Virus for your tank's Snake. As soon as they pop after the split, hit your tank/his snake with the appropriate ability.

2. Set Eos to Steady. In Steady mode it will only use Embrace automatically. I found that in Guard mode, as soon as the MT takes the first his, Eos would pop its AoE Regen & get instant aggro, and get everyone killed from the snake's cleave as he chomped on the fairy. I noticed this happened in AK as well a few times, but never put 2 & 2 together till I read some info on the Blue Gartr website.

3. Make sure to Place Eos just far enough away from the back of the snake that it isn't getting clipped or triggering the tail swipe. In this position, when you manually use Fairy Light (her AoE Healing Buff) it will catch the WHM of your party as well. Immediately after this, Eos will use its AoE Regen, which is good. After the Regen is used, swap her back into Steady. You will need that Heal buff again later in the fight.

4. If at any time in the fight anyone (usually going to be the melee DPS, just due to the small safe zone they have to stand for his attacks), let your WHM know you have the Rez, since you can recover MP alot easier than they can. It might even be best if you can spare a moment to Stoneskin, but let Eos do the majority of the healing when anyone gets smacked by the Acid Spit.

5. Make sure to use all your Aetherflow charges before hitting the ability again, but hold them as long as possible. If you have Flow up and 3 charges, use them to heal & toss Sacred Soils at the tanks, since every little bit of mitigation helps (especially on WAR). However don't be afraid to pop a Lustrate on a tank with less than 50% HP. You will run out of charges and Aetherflow still on cooldown near the end of the fight, but that's ok.

6. After the split, your job is to focus your tank (Generally a Paladin), but stand so that you are in range to Lustrate the other tank should you need too. At the start of this phase, you might even drop Sacred Soil on the MT, even if this isn't your tank. You want to swap between your Shield (Aloquiem SP?) & Physic on your tank. Sacred Soil helps when everyone moves in to attack your tank's snake, just incase of the random cleave smacking someone.

7. Well there is no seven, except remember to have fun. This is still a game, even the hard bits like Binding Coil & Titan. And your not having fun with these parts, go do something else. There are plenty of things to do even before PvP, Crystal Tower, and whatever new content is in the pipeline for the game, so if your tired of AK/WP runs, go craft, go gather, go fishing even. Go run around Wineport in nothing but your swimwear (or maybe not, Geno already has this one covered ><), but always remember to have fun.

Aegis replied

584 weeks ago

Great advice. TBH though, I haven't eaten a single thing while in coil!
Here's a group shot from our first Coil Turn1 kill, the second shot is our second Turn1 kill last night that we were able to do by the skin of our teeth. I raised everyone back up after the kill except for Kandar so we could sit on his corpse for a bit >:)

From left to right; Mini / Kandar / Ouk / Aegis / Gino / Valk / Bren / Elle

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