Aegis replied

591 weeks ago

Hey guys, I thought I would start a thread where we can discuss among each other and the crafters we have in the FC about gearing ourselves up. Every now and then we hit a certain point where we ask ourselves, what next? What should I replace? What materia should we slot in? The DB has a ton of information on this sort of thing, but if we need something made or just have general questions/discussions on gear, I thought this would be a good place to do it.

I wanted to start off with my next goal. I'm pretty happy with the gear I'm sitting at for my Coil Job (WHM) but I hit a crossroads this week in wondering if I should spend Philosophy on other job gear sets. Then I decided no, I'm going to start to go high end and slowly replace my DL gear with crafted gear. The materia potential is enormous and if anyone is interested in gearing past 50 I think its a great topic of discussion.

My current goal now is to produce two Astral Rings. Reason; best upgrade from Strategos/Darklight ring combination I have and the stats are better. Did some digging and here are the materia caps that are relevant (IMO); 12 CRIT, 12 Spell Speed and 9 VIT.

My three questions for our 50GSM in the FC, can you slot 5 pieces of materia into a ring, whats the percentage of success for this particular ring (only one materia slot), and why the fuck does each ring cost 18 Peacock Ore…

So there you have it, begin the discussion if you have any other inquiries about gear progression, maybe someone can help you out! Now, only 3625 more tomes to go…
Cheers guys!

Aegis replied

591 weeks ago

Also, I don't know about you guys, but since the major philosophy crafting materials can be purchased with time played (as in grinding) rather than pure gil, I refuse to purchase any Philosophy Tome mats on the market. My opinion is if there's anyway you can save money on something, save it for materia because Philosophy materials are essentially free. Hmm.. so is materia for that matter but I guess its up to the individual how much time they are willing to spend on producing the materials themselves.

Honestly I can't say this enough, but what you guys are doing is noble; not charging FC members for service is a wonderful thing and really eases the stress on a lot of the other disciples of magic and war. Lets continue to work together and gear ourselves up as a team!

Kandar RDM Certified Insane replied

591 weeks ago

I had an idea about getting people the I lvl 70 gear for everyone actually, since it normally takes 1 person 12 runs to get the needed tomes for 1piece of gear, why not just have all 4 people contribute to 1 person's upgrade. Then the next runs are that much faster due to the average gear level of the party going up. I'm sure that the big raid FC's do things like this to get all that pimped out HQ gear. How else would every member I see of that FC running around in pink Darksteel, Vanya, and Gryphonskin get that many tome mats.

We could even set up days where we get together & run castrum as a full FC group and with 1 run would almost be able to get all 9. That would easily get the mats & extra for selling to contribute to the FC house (which I'm sure is going to cost way more than the 30k that's in the chest at the moment.

And for anyone wondering, I refuse to help if we ever sold Titan runs. Just seems like a dirty way to exploit underskilled players that probably bought their gil from those dirty gilsellers you all get spammed with every few hours.

Aegis replied

591 weeks ago

Hm Kan that's a solid idea about farming CM. Valk wanna maybe set up some times/days?
What do you guys think? I feel like I'm talking to a wall when 10% of our FC actually uses the site lol

Valkim Seowon replied

591 weeks ago

Lol I know right. I'm trying to promote site use but idk how effective it will be

Andrez Admin replied

591 weeks ago

Im down for doing this because pick up groups have killed some dungeons for me, the FC and its 30 minute ak runs spoiled me

Gino Certified Insane replied

591 weeks ago

I'm not really sure about the whole tome forged gear. I know you guy keep talking about vanya robe and such stuff, but when I take a look at what I have now, heck, even the DL set have more defence and better stat overall. I really would like to know what really is worth it for the end game :S. But one thing I've been focusing and I really don't mind as a crafter is making progress equipment. I've got all my required gather to 50 so I've got a good collection of mats to make all gear up to lv 30 or so right now. And for all those working on craft, my lv 50 blacksmith always there if you need upgrade on tool to help you progress.

For the farming tomes mats, I'm scared of getting a bit annoy of just farming over and over certain dungeon. Like back in the day I've did so much castrum to get fully DL that I've pretty much got sick of it. Now we can just do at least a weekly basis of a few AK or WP that doesn't annoy me. I won't mind assisting like I always do, but I doubt I'm gonna be full time on those farming run.

Other then that, I've got to give my thank like cloud did with all the other crafter that assisted helping out each other. Really make it easy to have people you can count on if you need something build :)
I'm not crazy!

Aegis replied

591 weeks ago

Your right Gino, grinding kinda sucks but when they release the content later this month it might get a little better for grinding. As for the forged gear, the ilvl70 crafted gear without materia is roughly the equivalent to DL (different offstats) except for accessories, HQ forged accessories are way better than DL. But, with 5 slotted materia, even 3 or 4, these pieces when stacked with each other far outweigh any DL gear, so its a good way to pass the time and gear some pieces past DL if you don't think you will get the myth/hero/allagan version anytime soon. IE I'm starting to replace my rings, because they drop in turn 4 for me (a long ways away) and I want to save the myth not for the hero's ring but for my myth pants (a turn 5 drop). Its all relative to your class and where your gaps are so you may be right in terms of DOW, because all my logic is coming from a healers perspective!

Gino Certified Insane replied

591 weeks ago

well, I'll have to check somewhere manually if I find someone with a HQ set of armor, because from what I can get from DB, it's really not worth it :S. But yeah, I also understand your healer point of view, because defence is not a priority and the highest stat you can get is what really matter overall, but for me, from what I saw in defence , the forged DL got a defence of 210 (2 peice chest) and the normal DL got maybe 260 if my memory recall it right. As a tank, i couldn't sacrifice that much defence, but maybe DB is wrong somewhere. I could understand going for those crafted high gear for sub class, heck I want myself a Vanya robe like you guy once I get a mage around there, but for the main focused class you got, right now just the weekly myth and phil i've been collecting got me so far tone of good gear. And I'm just realizing this now that crafted gear might be a good temporary solution with myth having that collect limit per week XD. Anyway, I'm gonna be keeping my crafter raise up as usualle and this week end project is to use my collect leves to boost up Armorer to lv 50.
I'm not crazy!
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